Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Nowadays, most of us are easily infected by some lifestyle diseases such as goiter, rickettes and beri-beri. And if these diseases are not cured earlier, our condition might get worst resulting to more serious illnesses. We are easily infected by these diseases because of weak resistence. It can no longer fight against the virus and bacterias that are spread in our environment and later infecting our bodies. And do you know the reason why our resistence is weak? It is because of LACK OF PROPER NUTRITION!
This proper nutrition includes EATING OF BALANCED DIET, HAVING A PROPER HYGIENE AND HEALTH STATUS. This is very important for all of us. It helps us to do our daily work easier and faster. It allows us to have a very nice living and most specially, it helps us to fight against the lifestyle diseases that are easily spread out in the air.
My dear friends, the best medicine I'm talkin' about is having a proper nutrition. We should eat b alanced and nutritious food and we should not torture ourselves in too much work. While it's not yet too late, we must prvent the spreading out of these virus and bacterias to be able to be able not to be infected by these health problems. If we can do all these things, we would be able to prevent lifestyle diseases. we would be able to have a happier and a longer life.

1 comment:

  1. duh??
    hehehe, laughter is the best medicine
    just smile always
    i don't know what to say eh, nosebleed hahahah

    keep it up girl, I've learn more information in your blog
    thanks for your idea, its interesting!

    nice article........
